Sunday, December 9, 2007

Greek passed...CHECK!

So, just got back my Greek final exam, 82.5%! So, that means that I passed Greek for...well, EVER!

I think if I had taken it for a grade (I took it pass/fail, like just about everyone else did) I'd have gotten a B-.

ANYWAY, the long and short of it is that I now have passed Greek and no longer have to take any more Greek!

I spoke with a couple of the people who elected to continue on with Greek--they were also the ones that decided to take it for a letter grade, for the most part....and they are spending about 4 hours per class period on homework. Apparently participles are a BITCH! Yet one more thing I'll never know about, thank you Jesus.


Joe Payne said...


Mama said...

Never thought we'd have a Greek scholar in the family. Almost as useful as a dentist.