Sunday, December 2, 2007

"It's Bloody Brigadoon!" in Alexandria

Saturday, cold, windy, almost after St. Andrew's Day. Perfect time for over 100 different clans, bag pipe corps, Scottish Terrier Rescue Clubs (I'm not making that up I swear to God I'm not), more bag pipes, The British Embassy, The Chief of Police, Mayor, Senators, Council-people, Kids from Eli's after school program, Police on motorcycles riding in formation, to all get together and walk about three miles. Of COURSE that's what you were thinking would go down on a random Saturday after St. Andrew's Day.

Turns out Alexandria has the World's SECOND largest Scottish parade, right behind the one held in Glasgow on the Saturday after St. Andrew's Day. There are people that fly in from NEBRASKA for this one. No, I'm not kidding. Of course, they are in NEBRASKA so just about any opportunity to get the hell outta there would seem like a grand idea I'm sure.

Holly was all amped up because there were about 40 Irish Wolf Hounds from the Alexandria Irish Wolf Hound Association (or something, I'm making the name up, but you get the idea). Apparently she has it in her head that she likes these huge dogs that poop bigger than Bella. You know the old saying, Big dog, big poops.

The worst part of the morning was the parking. We finally got everyone bundled up and out the door and down near the parade route--which goes right through the heart of downtown Alexandria--to find NO parking anywhere, at all. Whatsoever. Period. We drove around for about 20 minutes and just as I was about to come out of my skin for the fourth time with the kids asking "are we there yet" a spot opens up just about within eye sight of the parade route. GOD IS GOOD!

The second worst part about the morning was the wind. Damn, it was windy. 42 degrees facing into a stiff wind is not my idea of a good time. But, we did end up getting some candy thrown at us so it was alllll good. But at least there were a lot of bag pipes. Bloody Brigadoon.

Now, I'll have to admit that I wasn't necessarily SURPRISED at the fact that there were four or five groups of parade entrants who's only business for being in the parade was DRESSING UP IN COLONIAL COSTUMES (seriously, where do these people COME FROM, and why in the wide, wide, world of sports do they all seem to live in Alexandria?!). Honestly, I don't know why I was at ALL surprised by the appearance of several dozen people dressed up like it was 1799, but I just didn't see what the hell that had to do with being Scottish. At all. Ugh. I give up trying to understand these people. (read any of the entries below and see if YOU have a clue--if you do, let me know please).

The kids loved the parade, as did we all. I was kinda bummed out that our clan, Fraser, wasn't represented at all. I think there was one dude in a kilt with the Fraser tartan marching with the "Highland Clans of Alexandria" group, but I wasn't sure it was the Fraser tartan. Turns out there are over 30 variations of that tartan. ALSO turns out there is a tartan specifically for Episcopal Clergy. Who knew. OK, Google knew.

Overall, a great morning. I think one of my favorite moments were the guys from clan Hay. They came walking by looking like they were doing the wave yelling, HhhhhhhAAAAYYYY!" It was nice. That and the guys behind us who yelled at all the elected officials that they should lower his taxes, with his friend yelling, "Yeah, lower his taxes!" right after the initial barrage from guy #1. That was a nice touch too. Did I mention there were a lot of bag pipes?


Joe Payne said...

Is this title a reference to Simon Callow's immortal line in Four Weddings and a Funeral?

Big Mama said...

(nice pics!)
During your multitude of empty hours, why don't you do one of those ancestral family tree things. I suspect that's what the "nerd herd" does when they'r not powdering their wigs.