Friday, January 11, 2008

Jingles the Snowman

So, for Christmas, my dad and Alex decided to give us a 4-pound chocolate snowman. A certain "Jingles" by name. One of those presents that you really never expect to get. Ever. But, it is one that when you get it you think two things immediately: 1) "did I really just get a brown snowman made of chocolate?" and 2) "I BET I can eat all of that. Seriously, I think I can". So in being true to my word, here is our progress to date. All of us have helped out with this project. We are now a couple of weeks in and we've gotten through the hard part of the challenge, the solid hat--sorry we should have taken a picture of it before we stared eating it so you could FULLY appreciate the grandeur, glory, and magnificence of "Jingles". I'll quote some of the back of the box, which totally rocks:

Master Chocolatier, Dana Taylor Davenport has created this delicious chocolate snowman using only the finest white, milk and dark couverture quality chocolate. Now, for those of you who are wondering--much the same way I was wondering (before I googled it) what in the wide wide world of sports "couverture quality chocolate", it is:

"Couverture (French for coating or covering ) chocolate is the basis of all chocolate, as grapes are the basis of wine. It is professional-quality chocolate that is used for tempering and making bonbons, truffles and chocolate bars, or enrobing other confections (chocolate-covered pretzels and marshmallows, e.g.). If you are a serious student of chocolate and want to understand why you prefer one brand over another, you need to learn your couvertures—and the companies that make them. Couverture chocolate is made with better beans. It is ground to a finer particle size and has a higher cocoa butter content than most chocolate bars for eating†. These two latter qualities enable it to be used for delicate work—for example, to be molded into delicate designs." Thank you very much to for the preceding information. So now you know. And as G.I. Joe will tell you at the end of every episode where no one really dies and Cobra commander somehow manages to get his hiney kicked (even though having a 300:1 advantage in guns, tanks, planes, men, boats, hovercraft, laser blasters and a thousand dudes with masks) and get away from four guys--in rad outfits with "swivel arm battle grip"--with one jake-legged helicopter and a pack of explosives....and somehow all the guys always manage to get out of their tanks, helicopters, planes, boats, etc. before they explode. Amazing how the body count for those cartoons was always ZERO. Amazing.....but I digress.

Wait, what the heck was I saying? I dunno. Anyways... so we've got this thing and we are battling on (Xena warrior princess). We'll keep the update going throughout the year as we attempt to put this bad boy down. I know you can't wait.

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