Tuesday, January 8, 2008

We got a Wii, Jimmy got a Mii

So, true to form, it has been just about a month since I've had any time to sit and write about...well, anything. Which, naturally is because EVERYTHING has been hitting the proverbial fan. But, that time has passed--thank you very much Jesus.

One of the items our family received for Christmas--surprising me most of all since a certain SOMEONE said that in no way shape or form would we, "ever EVER have a video game system unless it is over MY DEAD BODY!!!" is a Nintendo Wii. I am here to tell you that the Wii rules. Plain and simple it is amazing. It takes some getting used to with the remote controllers, but having the character on-screen mimic your own movements is pretty wild.

One of the best things about the Wii--I mean, aside from all the cool games, and the extra things it does (the weather channel is pretty darn pimp if you asked me)--is that you get to create a virtual you for the system, a Mii. It is much like an Avitar if you know what that is. If you don't know what that is then, well, um....nevermind. Each of us made our own person, and we did a pretty good job of it if I do say so myself.

The one we had the best luck with, however, was my dad. Here are a couple of pictures of him taken at Kate's wedding... You'll have to agree he tends to look like this about 45% of the time in some capacity.

Here is another picture of him that we took the same weekend. You'll note that he only usually looks like this about 25% of the time.

Now, we worked long and hard to get everything just right with his Mii. I mean, we (and by we I mean, ME) spent about 15 minutes creating, editing, tweaking, scrapping-and-starting-over until we got just the right Mii for Jimmy. Here he is on-screen:

He's a great bowler, and has almost reached pro level. He's also a pretty average baseball player it turns out with a nice slider and an ability to hit the long ball upon occasion. He still likes to take long windy walks on the beach (OK, I'm making that part up...I think). He's a pretty decent golfer--who, just like in real life, has no ability to hit an approach shot--odd how the video system knew that. And, he's an excellent tennis player. Here he is in action:
You'll note that his skill level is at zero. That was his first game. Since then he's defeated a number of computer players and has moved all the way up to the pro-level. Currently he is at 1037--I think that is good. Well done, Jimmy!

1 comment:

Joe Payne said...

Happy New Year folks. Will be down sometime soon to check out the Wii for myself. Looks v. cool. Did the kids get the chance to play with it at all?